The Strategic Leadership of IT either within one institution or across an organisation is a key part of school development today and should be firmly embedded into a Schools or Organisations development plan. A good starting point in developing IT strategy is to think around how we might design excellence in education and more importantly what does change mean for you as a leader?

Having a clear audit of where your school or organisation is, in relation to infrastructure and people, is key. From their, questions such as what needs to change in your school or institution and who are those ‘change agents’ going to be are your starting points?

A good resource to take a look is Nesta Decoding Learning which focuses you on shaping a vision on what learning will look like. Engaging with parents is key to deal with any misconceptions on the use of technology in schools to transform learning. Once audit and need have been established creating a clear vision with all stakeholders is next and Simon Sinek’s ‘Starting with the Why’ is a good book to focus you on creating that compelling cohesive step towards excellence.

From there clear goals can be created with milestones and a SMART action plan tailored to the needs of your school or organisation produced to turn your vision into action.

Sounds so easy doesn’t it?